Sebi is One!

The other day we had a chance to go to the first birthday party for Sebi Kim. She is my friend Peter’s daughter. Yes, Sebi is a cutie! This was our first time attending a first year birthday party in Korea.

Of course, it was complete with all the fixin’s! Great Korean traditional food. The good stuff! Yum!
A baby’s first birthday party (Chut-tol) is a big event for Koreans. One of the interesting things at the party was the Tol Table that was prepared by Peter and his wife, Jin Young Ha.

The table setting consists of different kinds of ddeok (rice cakes), fruits and other things needed for holding the Toljabee event.

Usually these items are a bundle of thread, a brush, a calligraphy set, pencil, book, money, a gavel, a computer mouse, etc. They are used to predict Sebi’s future during the Toljabee event.

Amanda, Adam and Alexandria watched with wonder as the party events unfolded... order to predict Sebi’s future, everyone counts to 3 and Sebi grabs something interesting off the table.
Depending on what Sebi picks up...her future will be told...
Needle and thread: Sebi will live long
Ujube: Sebi will have many descendants
Book, pencil, or related items: Sebi will be a successful scholar
Gavel: Sebi will be a lawyer or judge
Rice cake: Sebi will become wealthy
Ruler, needle, scissors: Sebi will be talented with her hands
Knife: Sebi will be a good cook
Mom had Sebi pick twice from the table...the first time she picked up a pink computer mouse.

...and the second time too!

Since Sebi picked up the computer mouse, it is predicted that she will follow in her father’s foot steps. Peter happens to be a designer for Microsoft. Peter was visibly proud.

Grandma was very happy!

So was Grandma number 2. Or Grandma number 1 depending on who is doing the counting...

Not your average pin-the-tale-on-the-donkey birthday party! All-in-all, a great event for the Wills kids to experience.
Douglas, I stumbled accross your blog by accident but I must say it is pretty neat. I live in Tulsa, OK, I am married to a Korean Wife, I have a daughter 23 and a Son 13. My Son plays Competitive Baseball for one of the better Teams here in Oklahoma that travels and plays other Teams from all over the USA. We travel to Korea every year or two to visit family, and I have had no luck locating A Korean Youth Baseball Club where I could take my Son to Practice/Work Out. I thought it would be really neat for us to do something like this, so he can see how kids from other countries play baseball. It would also be real cool for him to be around some Korean kids that have a like interest in baseball. Here in OK, none of the korean kids have an interest in baseball, so my Son doesn't even hang around Korean kids. We have family in Seoul, Suwon, and Inchon. If you could help me locate a team or Organization that would welcome Daniel to come practice, I would truly be grateful. We play Baseball year round here, anywhere from 80-100 games a year. He played 12u this year and will be 13U this next year. thanks. Rick
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