Baseball Today! 야구 오늘!

Today is the second day of the Asiana Airlines baseball tournament in Seoul. So, I will post the results on my next posting... Dongbu (our team) did well and won their first tournament game last week, 5 to 3.

Austin hit the ball hard! He lined-out to center once and then got a base hit.
I tell you, its quite nerve racking putting your kids’ @##es on the line in front of hundreds of Koreans. They are watching their every move! It makes me nuts. Oh...what did I say? It’s a learning experience? ;-) No...a cultural learning experience? OMG! During those moments I think to myself “I must be out of my freakin’ skull!”

Austin says he feels the pressure and gets nervous...even a bit wobbly, but he doesn’t show it. His successes have definitely given him a lot more confidence. Similar for Adam.
But Adam is part of the younger kids on the team. So, he has to wait his turn. It can be harder for him to have to watch, but he is growing too and learning from Austin’s example.

Here we are with Ohkyu after the game. Ohkyu is great and very impressed with Austin.
I’ll make sure I post the results of tonight’s game ASAP!
Labels: adam wills, austin wills, baseball, dongbu eagles
Good luck Adam and Austin from everyone at Hardball Fans!
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