Creative Momentum: New Traditions for Easter

You know, I really don’t know why we dye eggs for Easter. I suppose I could Google it, but I did not want to waste the time and energy. When I start Googling something, I’ll start out with Easter eggs and end up chasing something else, which leads to something else, and on ad infinitum (to infinity).
I would like to spend my energy sharing a new tradition for Easter.
I was never a fan of hard boiled eggs, though, I always loved the family event of dying Easter eggs when I was young.

When I became a parent, it was just as fun...that is until my kids out-grew the activity. The thing is, the kids still enjoy Easter, but once you are a teenager, egg hunting is not your thing.

And even if you still like it, you wouldn’t want your friends to know that you were hunting for eggs on Easter. Especially, if you are a 17 year old with a Facebook image to maintain...or a 47 year old with a Facebook image to maintain. ;-)

So what to do? This past Easter Sunday, Lyra and I invited some friends over for Easter brunch. This was the first dinner gathering we had put together since moving back to Chicago. We spent the last month and a half renovating the apartment and the last couple of days preparing for the brunch. Easter egg dying was low on the priority list, but I still wanted to create the same atmosphere...I was at a loss.

So, we just went with the brunch idea and left it at that...
But, as usual, Alexandria came to the rescue. Somehow, she must have felt the same about Easter, even though we didn’t talk about it. So, she took action...and her creative momentum took over as it often does.
As we were finishing up a wonderful brunch of borscht, bagels & lox and mimosas (adults only)...Alexandria bursts into the room and says, “Let’s tie’s Easter!”

At first, everyone was reluctant...or at least they appeared that way...but eventually they all got into the festivities. It might have been the mimosas that helped...

Anyway, it all turned out well... don’t have to keep repeating the same rituals for the sake of tradition, but you might want to try to recreate the feelings that make up the true essence of any tradition. This Easter Alexandria helped us renew the old by creating the new...which is what Easter is all about.

Thanks Alex...
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